Tue 14 Apr 2009
The Passover Diet Continues
Posted by Bria under Main Dishes
The Midwest is well-known for its casserole canon. You have your hot dish, your noodle ring – the sorts of oven-baked concoctions that appear in starring roles at stock the fridge showers for a second babies in Wisconsin (and seem to make their way into every kitschy portrayal of Midwesterners in film and on television). It’s a lesser-known fact that Utah also boasts a mean casserole repertoire. I know, you’re thinking that Utah is known for having lots of one thing…
…Jello. And you’d be right. I believe Utah consumes more Jello than the rest of the country put together. As much as I have tried to disavow it at varying points in my life, I can’t help it; I love me some rainbow Jello cake. I have made it once, and it was a colossal pain, but so worth it. The next time I have a free day and am on a sugar binge, I’ll whip one up and show you. It’s just…wow. Unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
But we’re here to talk casserole (to dish about casserole? Ouch). I’m pulled in a casserole way by more than nostalgia. They are an ideal endeavor for busy people; a little work up front and you can eat well for several servings (and if the thought of eating lasagna for four consecutive meals makes you ill, they often freeze well). In some circles, the act of creating one of these baked wonders is called “putting up” a casserole, which I cannot explain linguistically but love and use often. It’s one of those charming bits of vernacular that you want to snatch up and squeeze for yourself because it hits the ear just right. Or maybe I just like things that sound vaguely Southern.
Whatever, let’s put up a Passover casserole.
Farfel and Cheese
Serves 8-10
Adapted from Joan Nathan’s Jewish Holiday Kitchen Cookbook
This is absolutely delicious. It is very reminiscent of macaroni and cheese. I like it as-is; John prefers to add ketchup or tabasco. FYI - one large can of farfel is enough for 2 batches.
3 cups farfel
3 egg whites
2 eggs
1 scallon, diced
½ lb cheddar cheese, shredded
2 cups milk
1 ½ c nonfat (plain) yogurt
Salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 350.
In a medium bowl, whisk one egg and the egg whites with a fork. Fold in the farfel, stirring well until the mixture is fully combined and there are no dry spots of farfel left. Stir in the scallion.
Use a bit of butter to grease an 8×8” casserole dish. Spread the farfel mixture into an even layer. Using the same bowl you used to mix the farfel, whisk together the milk, yogurt, remaining egg, and about a teaspoon of salt. Add a few turns of freshly ground pepper.
Cover the farfel mixture with the shredded cheddar cheese in one, even layer. I save time by buying giant bags of shredded cheese at Costco and freezing it into small ziplocks, but you can also often find shredded cheese on sale at the grocery store. It’s worth stocking up, it freezes very well.
Gently pour the wet ingredients over the cheese, moving your bowl around to make sure you cover every bit of the dish. If there are any bare spots at this point, use your spatula to smoosh it around until everything is even. If you like, dot the top of the mixture with bits of butter (though I often forget to do this). Cover the entire thing with foil and bake, covered, for 30 minutes.
While the casserole bakes, do your dishes! I hate a messy kitchen, so I always clean as I go. By reusing the farfel bowl to mix your wet ingredients, you cut down on your big washables by one order of magnitude. During the time it takes the casserole to do its covered bake session, you can get the rest of the kitchen clean and move on to something important, like eating bits of shredded cheese while no one is looking.
After 30 minutes, remove the foil and bake uncovered until the top is a lovely golden brown – between 20 and 30 minutes. Allow to rest for 10 minutes outside the oven once it’s done, and serve warm. I find this reheats very well, both in the microwave and toaster oven.
I must note that I first received this recipe from my copyright professor in law school, the wonderful Jessica Litman (who is an incredible cook, in addition to digital copyright expert extraordinaire). I mentioned one day after class (I swear there was context, though I can’t recall exactly what it was) that I was just about to finish the conversion process. Passover was starting in a week, and Professor Litman graciously armed me with several Joan Nathan cookbooks as well as her personal Passover recipe compilation. Since I obviously hadn’t grown up eating Passover foods, she gave me one family’s take on how to successfully navigate the holiday. I am forever grateful to her for this, not just for the food, but for the support and acceptance. That first Passover was truly a chag sameach for me.
終戦後にGHQの一員として再来日した(『立教学院百二十五年史 図録:Bricks and Ivy』102-103頁)。首人形が倒された後は、子供たちと最後の一時を楽しんだ後に元の家に送り届け、本来の彼らの居場所である「子供たちの夢の世界」へ帰って行った。昭和時代の人気俳優として活躍していました。 2012年(平成24年)、ポストドクトラルフェローの任期が切れた4月より、2014年(平成26年)12月まで上皇明仁の幼稚園時代の学友で銀閣寺(慈照寺)住職を務める臨済宗相国寺派管長の有馬頼底に依頼し、宗教法人慈照寺研修道場美術研究員に就任している。
今年の1月~6月の介護事業所の倒産件数は、過去最高の81件 うち41件は訪問介護事業所でした。所得に対する累進課税制度の根拠として、機会の公正を担保して公平な公共を維持しあう論点が挙げられることがある。公共性が挙げられることが多く、経済的に成功した富豪達の公益事業への贈与は大衆に支持されているだけでなく、法的にも推奨されている。 ヨーロッパでは、自分が所属する地域や共同体という概念(伊:
フェンのボディガードであるリアンおよびパークが、会社兵士の分遣隊のリーダーであるマーサーに殺された直後、フェンは撤退を命じた。私たちは,今まで結婚に関わる様々な行事や結婚後の生活にむけて,二人で話し合い,それぞれの親や関係する方々と相談しながら準備を進めてまいりました。 『古事記』にも、秋山之下氷壮夫(あきやまのしたひおとこ)が、春山之霞壮夫(はるやまのかすみおとこ)に伊豆志八前大神(兵庫県豊岡市出石)の娘の伊豆志袁登売神(いずしおとめのかみ)との結婚の成否で賭けを申込み、兄弟の母神が賭けを申し出た秋山命を懲らしめる話がある。 バルボッサとエリザベスは答えることを拒否したが、ウィルは海図がジャック・
“NY株価 最高値また更新 利下げ期待で4営業日連続”.
このように、高円宮家の三姉妹は、それぞれが独自の魅力を放ちながら、皇室の美の伝統を今に伝えているのです。 そこで、ワシントンD.C.のホワイトハウスから訪れたアメリカ合衆国大統領のリチャード・
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介護保険制度の持続可能性を確保するため、地域包括ケアシステムの推進が急がれています。 アルコール依存症の回復は自分自身の努力が不可欠だと気づいた時から、「例会が命」。
DMM.comグループ子会社が展開する、オンライン展示会のプラットフォーム構築サービスです。 そして介護保険の被保険者を拡大する、介護保険の対象を重度要介護者に限定する等、多岐にわたる改革案を示す。名探偵コナン ハロウィンの花嫁(2022年4月15日、東宝)エレニカ・
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他にも、『おんな太閤記』(1981年、NHK総合)、『いのち』(1986年、NHK総合)、『橋田壽賀子ドラマ おんなは一生懸命』(1987年 -
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Retrieved 5 October 2016 - via British Newspaper Archive.
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安心して内へ持って帰ることが出来ますから。 なお他の「六曜」は「友引」(ともびき)、「先負」(せんぶ/せんまけ)、「仏滅」(ぶつめつ)、「大安」(たいあん)、「赤口」(しゃっこう/しゃっく)が挙げられます。 ところで君、兎に角何科にするのだね。久邇朝宏(久邇宮)、東園基治(明治天皇曾孫)、東郷和彦(元オランダ大使)、千澤忠子(旧子爵 延岡藩 内藤政道四女)、古橋成文(学習院初等科誠桜会幹事)は、学習院初等科時代の同級生。 また、すべてのイレイナが自分たちが選択せず経験しなかった可能性を体験したいという願いにより、違う旅をした自分たちと出会って経験を知るためだったと気づく。
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And the Convention adds that “Macclesfield City have announced the signing of former Stockport County midfielder Chris Churchman. The 20-year-outdated creative midfielder has signed a deal with the Silkmen after leaving Edgeley Park. Churchman made forty-nine appearances for the Hatters, scoring four objectives, since making his debut towards Oxford Metropolis in December 2013. His spectacular displays noticed him named younger player of the year final season however, despite signing a new deal with the club, a change in administration saw him neglected of the Stockport side at first of this time period. He just lately started training with the Silkmen”.
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